Special Feature: Paging Heme/Onc: Updates from ASCO 2023 - A Collaborative Series

Surprise! The teams at Two Onc Docs and The Fellow on Call are teaming up for his special series!

Each episode will focus on a single abstract, poster, or oral presentation from ASCO 2023, and will feature a quick review of any guidelines and management pointers relevant to the disease state under study, followed by an overview of the study design and findings, and finally a discussion of the implications of the research on clinical practice.

We expect to release episodes on June 12, 14, 19, 21, and 26. Episodes will be released alternating between our two podcasts, so make sure you’re subscribed to both!

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Episode 060: Heme Consults Series - Fundamentals of Transfusion Medicine


Episode 058: Breast Cancer Series,Pt. 7-ER+, Early Stage Breast Cancer (con’t)