New Fellow Bootcamp Series: ITP

An exciting new academic year is about to begin. We know this can be daunting, especially for our newest hematology/oncology fellows. Over the next two weeks, we re-boot some of our high yield episodes you need to know to prepare for your first days as a new fellow and your nights on call.

Next up: immune thrombocytopenic purpura [Originally episode 015]

Be sure to check out our Rotation Guides to get you in tip-top shape for fellowship!

Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP):

  • Be sure to check out episode 009 on thrombocytopenia for a general approach and differential!

  • Specific instances where there may be close to undetectable platelet count:

    • Lab artifact (clumping)

    • Very severe DIC

    • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura - though usually higher platelets in these cases

    • Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (in very severe cases) - though usually higher platelets in these cases

    • ITP

  • ITP:

    • Diagnosis of exclusion

      • How to confirm it is ITP?

        • Post-transfusion CBC - a repeat CBC 30-60 mins after a platelet transfusion. In ITP, the platelet count will likely not budge. (Not perfect test!)

      • Immature platelet fraction (if available) - this will be elevated if mature platelets are being destroyed. (Again - not a perfect test)

    • Treatment:

      • IVIG 1g/kg daily x2 days + Dexamethasone 40mg daily x4 days

Reference: - Great How I Treat article from Blood


New Fellow Bootcamp Series: Metastatic Cancer of “Origin TBD”


New Fellow Bootcamp Series: TTP